Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Cancer! Your persistence and dedication are some of your most awe-inspiring qualities. This birthday year, these qualities will launch you to the next level. You are feeling ready to break repeating cycles and patterns that don’t serve you anymore. Emptiness in your heart will be filled in the year ahead. Are you ready for a positive transformation in your love life? Let’s jump into what awaits this wondrous birthday year!
Although this year might have a rough or weird start for Cancer signs, don’t let it fool you into thinking that the whole year is going to be like that. Sure, there will be some weird or even sad moments, but this year is setting you up for success and happiness. By February, we will see the ending of three planets retrograding. Until then, your personal relationships might seem slightly strained. For example, if you are with a long-term partner, you might notice mishaps in the way that you communicate with each other. You may go through moments of jealousy or insecurity in your relationship as the new year is starting to settle in. Even though honest and direct communication might not be as easy as it was before, with a little patience and a lot of understanding, healthy conversations can still be held.

Single Cancer signs will have a flirtatious and exciting spring, while taken signs are going to enjoy spending intimate time together, learning about the little things that make you so beautiful to each other. May is going to bring you an expansion in your social circle. After the Full Moon Eclipse that will occur during this month, you will also have the opportunity to deepen your already existing friendships and relationships. Cancer signs that enter a relationship in 2022 will learn about their own vulnerability and embrace their softness a bit more. If your partner is right for you - this will only make you more special in their eyes. It’s not easy, you know? Putting your heart on a plate. It’s okay to take all the time that you need and do it once you feel truly comfortable. By the end of November, those who recently entered a relationship and those who were already in long-term relationships might go through a small “rough patch” in their relationship. Honesty is going to be the main theme here, so if you manage to stay honest and true to yourself and your heart - your relationship will start blooming in a way that you’ve never felt before. Or at least haven’t felt like it in a long time.

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Last year might have felt like surviving, rather than living. Especially in the finance department. A lot of Cancer signs have overworked themselves last year, and some even got to the point of burn out. However, this year, it’s going to be all about working smarter, rather than working harder. In February, after the Mercury retrograde is over, you will start creating a new routine that will allow for a healthier work/life balance. When spring rolls around, you will have the opportunity to work or collaborate with someone whom you share similar passions and goals with. This person might even be a friend of yours, already. During this time, discipline is going to be essential. Work on your communication skills and your public speaking skills between March and May. Why? Well, because the skill of negotiating is going to be something that will push you further in your career. By August, you will see how far you’ve come. You will come to realize that all it took was pushing yourself, but all along you weren’t really aware that you were doing it. A bigger paycheck or higher position will come in October, around the time when Saturn goes back into direct. However, if you are not careful with your physical and mental health, you might have some problems caused by stress and working too much by the time that winter comes.

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June 2022: Now, it will be extremely important that you have the right dose of persistence and patience. This is the way that you are going to make it to the finish line. Success will be your middle name. You might have an accident at the workplace, so make sure that you are focused on what you are doing and where you are going. Key date: 21st of June - Cancer season has officially begun. Happy birthday Cancer. What will your wish be this year? Write it down.

July 2022: This will be a time when you will find order in chaos. It sounds paradoxical, we know, but it’s true. Sometimes, it takes a little bit of chaos for us to find ourselves and who we really are. During July, you will face a part of yourself that you have been running from. And once you do this, you will understand yourself in a completely new way. Key date: 5th of July - Mercury, the planet that governs communication, will enter Cancer. Communication will flow with ease and friendships will be strengthened.

August 2022: Single signs may find romance during the month of August. This person will exhibit a type of intelligence that you simply find extremely attractive. Give them a chance and take a risk. Taken signs may have a slight falling out. However, it will be important that you don’t jump to conclusions. Key date: 24th of August - Uranus will enter retrograde which will likely mess up any kind of plans that you had. This retrograde will challenge your urge to be in control and on top of things.

September 2022: This won’t be the easiest month for you. Luckily, you have a special talent of making almost anything work. If you are a Cancer sign who struggles with depression and anxiety, you might want to ask for extra support from your friends, partner, family or therapist. You can still make everything work while slowing down and taking the time you need. Key date: 10th of September - Sometimes, all that you need is a long hug and a big tub of ice cream. Great things are coming. Breathing and simply being will be easier on this day.

October 2022: Tension at the workplace will be palpable in some moments during October. A fellow water sign will guide you through a rough patch, making your bond stronger. The best thing that you can do is avoid conflict while still staying true to your belief system. Key date: 23rd of October - Saturn will go back into direct and it will loosen up your inner restrictions. Saturn is a heavy planet, and things have definitely not been easy for some time. Take a nap, draw a bath, play some sensual music… Romance yourself.

November 2022: November will have many moments of seemingly random luck. However, this doesn’t mean that you should start gambling and investing all of your money in games of chance. A new person is going to open up your eyes and change your perspective on a few things. Key date: 8th of November - This is going to be an extremely powerful date since there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. If you believe in manifesting and manifesting rituals, this is a good day to do them.

December 2022: And just like that… The year is coming to an end. 2023 is around the corner, and you feel so much different than the person you were in 2020. You might read this and feel a sense of anxiety, but when December actually rolls around - you’ll be so proud of yourself. You did it, Cancer. You did it. Key date: 3rd of December - On this day, Neptune will be back into direct and it will be in Pisces. This is a very dreamy placement, making this a very dreamy day. Use it for activities that bring joy and bliss to your soul. Creativity will be strong.

January 2023: Have you had a moment to really decompress and process the previous year? If not, don’t worry, because this whole month will give you the time that you need to fully take it all in. Key date: the 26th of January - Venus, the planet of love and self-worth, enters spiritual Pisces this day, making your interactions more empathetic and dreamy. It is an excellent day to engage in creative pursuits and spend quality time with the people you love.

February 2023: This will be the ideal time to establish better and healthier routines for yourself. Even small changes are going to affect you deeply in the long run. You may want to pay more attention to your health during this month, too. Key date: the 11th of February - Chatty Mercury enters into creative Aquarius today, encouraging you to team up with other people and express your humanitarian concerns. Relating to people with different ideas will help you challenge inaccurate beliefs and biases.

March 2023: You will feel a need to be more spontaneous in your life. In the past two years, it’s been hard or even impossible to make fun decisions without thinking too much. Don’t be irresponsible, but seek the things that used to make you happy or that you used to think of as fun. Key date: the 16th of March - Venus enters into the sensual sign of Taurus, making your interactions more practical and straightforward. Don't try to impress the person you like by pretending to be someone you're not. Keep things casual and enjoy life as it is.

April 2023: Nurturing your existing relationships is going to be a big theme for April, apart from amazing chances in regards to your work/career. You might have a fabulous idea while collaborating or talking to a Virgo or Sagittarius. Key date: the 7th of March - The Full Moon in Virgo makes you get rid of harmful habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle. This lunation invites you to be more organized and more functional with your routines.

May 2023: Summer hasn’t even officially begun yet but you will already feel in need of a holiday. If possible, take some time off in May, or structure your time better so that you have more free time and fewer obligations in general. Focus on the things that make your body and mind feel good. Key date: The 21st of May - Today, the Sun enters the chatty sign of Gemini, inaugurating a busy season of social gatherings and work meetings. Get ready to break out of your crab shell and make new connections that will help you gain more self-confidence.

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Written By Trilogy
I am a multi-generational psychic medium with over a decade of experience. Where I have led and mentored many students in developing their own intuitive capabilities. Through the many ways, one can develop their intuition we can provide ourselves clarity in the choices we make in our everyday life. To be able to know where our desires are coming from within and to work with our own energy to empower ourselves through following our heart (intuition). Through this service, you will be able to tap into yourself like you never have before.
Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Color: yellow
Gemstome: moonstone
Strengths: protective, sympathetic, family-oriented
Weaknesses: too sensitive, clingy, moody
Likes: being near water, artwork, their home
Dislikes: criticism of family, strangers, personal questions
Most compatible Signs: Scorpio & Pisces
Least compatible Signs: Aries & Libra
Selena Gomez, Lindsay Lohan, Pamela Anderson, Monica Lewinsky, Jessica Simpson, Lionel Messi, 50 Cent, Tom Cruise, Princess Diana, Gisele Bundchen, Lil' Kim, Missy Elliott