Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Taurus! Over the last year, both in your inner and outer world (but mainly inner) there were ups, there were downs, and there were moments that felt magical. All of this made you stronger and more prepared for what this birthday year will bring you. What’s in store for you? Surprises and new connections that will lead you on a very interesting and exciting path. Let’s jump into what awaits this fantastic birthday year!
As the holidays rushed by, January might have felt like a weird start in the love and relationship department. Family, friends, and colleagues are a bigger theme for you during the month of January. This is due to the fact that we started off with Venus and Uranus in retrograde (known to affect our most intimate/romantic relationships) and then Mercury enters retrograde in the middle of the month. Those who have unclear relationships with their exes will likely receive a message or even a call from them. However, Taurus, let’s just leave the exes and toxic lovers behind in 2021, okay? This year is all about healthy love, personal improvements, and unraveling your true potential. Think of this Mercury retrograde as a test from the Universe asking you: “Are you ready for something new and healthy? Are you ready to truly move on and be happy?”. Because that’s exactly what the first few months of the year will be like for you.

By the time spring starts, single Taurus signs will already have some eye candy to lust over. Once you get to know this person more, you might feel an energetic “pull” towards them. Ideally, this person challenges you to be your most authentic self. Sparks and butterflies will definitely be present during the spring, but will this feeling last until the summer? That’s something that only you will know. A connection and a potential for something great and romantic will definitely be there. For some Taurus signs, the idea of commitment will still feel scary, which is completely fine. By the Lunar Eclipse in November, you will have a much clearer idea of what you want in love and in a relationship. If you were in a loving long-term relationship, your heart might even feel ready to take the leap into something more serious, such as getting married, having kids or moving in together. People are going to really see you, Taurus. You will carry this va-va-voom factor that will draw people towards you. Your partner might not like this as much, which will require a serious conversation about jealousy and faithfulness. All in all, this is going to be an exciting year for your love life, so buckle up!

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During the previous year, your career prospered, but maybe not as much as you hoped or wished for. However, this is going to change drastically. Focus on improving your skills and learning in the first few months of the new year. Practice. Pour more time into what you are passionate about. If possible, get some extra education. Enroll into that class, get certified, do what you need to do in order to feel more confident about what you bring to the table. This is going to be crucial for your success - confidence. When Mars enters Aquarius in March, you will already see a positive change in your finances. In 2022, Cancer signs will go through a transformation in regards to how they work, when they work, and for who they work. For some, this will mean starting their own business, while others might consider relocating for a new opportunity or switching from a 9-5 job to a freelance career. This is an intense change that won’t be easy. But it will be worth it. Avoid making big financial investments in the beginning of the year, especially if you still have some debt that you need to clear out. By the summer, you acquire some wealth or an asset through your family or a lucky event.

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April 2022: April will bring some slight heaviness and some hardships. Something from your past might come up that will upset you or cause feelings of distress. Talk to your friends, family, whoever you turn to when things get hard. Key date: 5th of April - With Venus entering Pisces, you will feel flirty and sensual. Those who are taken should do something exciting with their loved ones. Perhaps go on a trip, if possible? Make it your mutual adventure.

May 2022: May carries powerful, yet somehow nostalgic energy. You will remember a version of yourself that existed in 2019. Isn’t it strange how time works? Once, you thought that that was the only way for life to be possible. But look at you now, living something different, with a different mindset. Key date: 16th of May - There will be a Total Lunar Eclipse that will make you rethink certain aspects of your life. Even though it’s good to ask yourself questions, this won’t be a good time to overthink.

June 2022: Even though June will be a month with a few ups and a few downs, there is a feeling of calmness present. This is likely due to the fact that Mercury has gone back into direct and communication feels a bit less complicated. Key date: 28th of June - This will be an ideal time for couples to focus on mutual growth. Single Taurus signs might feel a little lonely, but that’s what friends are for.

July 2022: This summer you need to make sure that you actually take a break. Not a holiday where you bring your laptop and continue doing some kind of work. During July, you might be at risk of overworking yourself. Key date: 5th of July - On this day, you should ask yourself “What is something that makes me truly happy?”. Whatever comes to mind, that’s what you do. Mars will enter Taurus and you just want to indulge in something that feels good.

August 2022: Can somebody say “ka-ching”? Your wise business/career decision is starting to pay off in the most literal sense. Now it will be important what you do with the extra money that you have received. With all of the transits in summer, it’ll be best if you saved up or invested in something that you urgently and deeply need. Key date: 11th of August - This will be a very lucky day for you! Good things are simply happening all around and you couldn’t be happier. However, your emotions might get the best of you at night, when the Full Moon is up and shining.

September 2022: Your family life is going to be very fulfilling during this month. If you’re not someone who is close to their blood-related family, worry not because we mean chosen family, too. You will learn something new about someone who you deeply care for and this will make them even more beautiful in your eyes. Key date: 25th of September - There will be a New Moon in Libra, meaning that you will feel like participating in the finer things in life. Splurge, live a little!

October 2022: During October, you will make it your personal mission to create a better balance between your work life and your private life. You might feel slightly overwhelmed at times, which is why you should have an activity that rids you of stress that you engage in. Key date: 25th of October - The New Moon will shine its light on an issue that you have been dealing with for some time. A Capricorn will have some wise and helpful advice for you if you decide to be candid and open up.

November 2022: There is something very special about the way that you live, dream, and feel. Someone might try to put you down because you are different. Luckily, you and your loved ones will not allow for this. Key date- 23rd of November - Jupiter will return into direct, and it will be in Pisces. You will likely feel closer to your water sign friends and family members. It would be great if you did something nice for them, randomly and spontaneously.

December 2022: In December, you will feel proud of yourself. During this time, it will be important that you vocalize how you feel about others. Tell your friends that you love their smile, tell your family members that you appreciate them for who they are. Spread the love and the joy. Key date: 23rd of December - There will be a New Moon in Capricorn on this day. It will remind you of all of the hard work that you have managed to do over the year, and it will give you the final boost to get everything done that needs to be done.

January 2023: It might have felt like a jolt into reality once the holidays and all the celebrations were over. A part of you wanted to continue existing in that gray space, but obligations came knocking on your door. Take a deep breath. You can do it! Key date: 22nd of January is the day when Uranus goes back into direct. This will allow you a moment of peace and serenity. Give yourself a moment to wind down and truly relax. Turn off your phone, zone out, do what feels good.

February 2023: Nobody knows you better than yourself. And if you feel like you don’t really know yourself, well then take it as a sign to start digging deeper within yourself. It’s not easy, and sometimes, it’s not pretty. But in the end, you will feel “more complete”. Key date: 14th of February. Yes, Valentine’s day, but also Mercury is in Aquarius. You will feel more in tune with who you are as a person. Making this day ideal for any kind of socialization. Whatever you do, don’t isolate yourself.

March 2023: March is going to bring exciting new people into the lives of single Taurus signs. Your mood is elevated and you feel a sense of hope in the air. Journaling and other forms of self-care through activities will be highly encouraged during this time. Key date: 21st of March - New Moons symbolize new beginnings, letting go, and transformations. Is there anything that you need to let go off? Something that is holding you back? A person, an event, a memory? New freedom will come once you let go of the burdens that you have been carrying.

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Written By Trilogy
I am a multi-generational psychic medium with over a decade of experience. Where I have led and mentored many students in developing their own intuitive capabilities. Through the many ways, one can develop their intuition we can provide ourselves clarity in the choices we make in our everyday life. To be able to know where our desires are coming from within and to work with our own energy to empower ourselves through following our heart (intuition). Through this service, you will be able to tap into yourself like you never have before.
Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Specializing in : Intuitive Behavior, Tarot, Psychic / Psychic Mediums
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Color: pink
Gemstome: emerald
Strengths: loyalty, family-centered, patient
Weaknesses: lazy, stubborn, possessive
Likes: cooking, gardening, comfortable clothes
Dislikes: sudden change, complications, feeling trapped
Most compatible Signs: Capricorn and Cancer
Least compatible Signs: Gemini and Aquarius
Megan Fox, Chris Brown, Jessica Alba, Enrique Iglesias, Audrey Hepburn, David Beckham, Cher, Penelope Cruz