Our astrologers have all the answers, so check out your 2022 love horoscope from our talented psychic astrologer and get ready for a great year!

Dear Aries, 2022 will be an unforgettable year for all of you! And it will only be the beginning, as 2023 (spoiler alert) will be even better. Astrologically speaking, the last few years have been challenging for you, with hard transits of planets like Saturn and Jupiter, not to mention the heavy energies of Pluto. Singles will experience intense emotions, meet people who will ignite the passion and desire to be loved and to love. Not only temporary love adventures then, this year will come special connections, lasting relationships and exciting adventures especially from March, with a favorable Venus. Established couples will live a positive year, where finally, even the most cautious, will feel the desire to take important steps. Even ambiguous situations will be resolved definitively without leaving too many trails: this year you will be able to make important and difficult decisions, feeling strong and confident. Those who have experienced difficult times waiting for the return of a person from the past, will feel the strength necessary to move on and realize that true love does not ask us to wait.


A very powerful card that pushes you to aim high and never stop. Reaching fulfillment, happiness and joy also means working hard and acting according to your values but it also means dreaming. Do not stop dreaming, even when your goals seem far away, if you can imagine and see them, they are much closer than you think.
I am ready to believe in my dreams and make them happen.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Taurus, for some of you 2021 has been a difficult year, due to a heavy Saturn and some not favorable transits. This year many new people will cross your path, some relationships will end and others will begin.This is a year that asks you to let your emotions guide you, listen to your heart and your thoughts, and don't let the fear of doing the wrong thing hold you back. There's nothing worse than getting stuck in toxic situations, and letting valuable and enriching experiences slip away. 2022 gets off to a very positive start with a very favorable Venus starting in late January. This will be the right time for singles to look for strong emotions and dates full of passion. Also spring will be particularly positive for you, especially June, where some of you could even meet their soulmate. The last quarter of the year could be a bit slow as far as dating is concerned but, some of you will see an interesting return from the past. For those who are in a relationship, 2022 is the year to confirm the commitment or leave all those situations that have become toxic. Mars and Venus dissonant in March will bring doubts and reflections that need to be listened to and accepted, they could point you in the right direction. The summer will be very positive, some of you may receive a marriage or engagement proposal. The last part of the year will be particularly favorable for short relationships, without commitment.


The woman depicted in The Temperance card holds two amphorae emptying water into a stream. Water is here a sign of healing and awareness. This card urges you to free yourself from all situations that don't feel good and to indulge your desires. Healing is not only about restoring balance, it is also about learning to listen to your needs and accepting that the fear of change is normal, but it cannot become an obstacle.
I am ready to listen to my true self and practice self compassion.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Gemini, many of you come from a very positive 2021 especially with regards to love. Relationships that began last year will be consolidated this year, and those who have experienced separations or divorces, will start a new, exciting, chapter. The year starts a little slow with an unfavorable Jupiter and a discordant Mercury that could cause quarrels and misunderstandings in couples. Spring will bring special encounters and exciting relationships, especially from March, with a particularly favorable Venus that will make you feel charming and eager to experience strong emotions. May will also be a very important month for those who are open to new encounters and for established couples; for some there will even be a marriage proposal!The best month of the year will definitely be June, with Mercury in your sign and the positive passages of Venus and Jupiter. The relationships that will begin in this period will certainly be special and will have a long-term potential. Couples will live a serene moment full of passion while those who live ambiguous situations, perhaps affairs, will be able to restore the balance. The summer will be serene, there will be no major changes but you will maintain a good balance between couples while singles will enjoy a summer without worries. Autumn begins with some small communication problems due to an unfavorable Mercury, some couples may experience a moment of crisis. October is definitely better and with it, also the last two months of the year. In December there will be the desire to plan a future together with your person, and thanks to the regenerative energies of Mars, it will be possible to overcome all obstacles and work to achieve your goals.


This beautiful arcana pushes you to find the right balance between what you feel and what others need to hear from you. Being empathetic can be exhausting at times, but it's an important value that allows us to live with love and compassion. Try to find the right balance between being empathetic but also taking care of yourself and your priorities.
I am ready to pursue balance and value my priorities.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Cancers, 2022 is off to a bit of a slow start, with Mars in opposition in January, and Mercury and Venus opposed in February. Last year, I promised you an important 2022, and it will come soon so don't be afraid and try to avoid unnecessary arguments during the first part of the year. Spring will arrive with the good energies of Venus in April that will bring a lot of joy in love, especially in couples and family. You will feel loved and serene and you will be able to show your affection to those who are close to you. Summer will be very eventful for singles, there will be many short but intense adventures. July will be special, with Venus in the sign and a particularly positive Moon that will bring special meetings and returns from the past. Beware of relationships with people already married, they could become too complicated and lead you into unmanageable situations. This is a year where you can find serenity and special people who understand, love and esteem you, and do not waste energy in impossible situations with an already written ending. Autumn is slow but allows you to make important reflections on what you want and, above all, on who you want. The year ends in beauty with an ultra positive November, full of positive planets that will bring special moments and sensuality. Dating that begins now is based on strong chemistry and also has long-term potential. Some of you will have to make important choices, especially in the last weeks of the year, when toxic relationships will finally be closed for good. Any major change can be difficult, but when you act according to your values, you take steps toward happiness and fulfillment.


The Death card is a very positive arcana that encourages you to look at change as an opportunity to grow and achieve happiness. Don't let the fear of uncertainty leave you stuck in the past, make sure that your fears are only a push to act for your own good and that of the people around you.
I'm ready to let go of change without letting my fears stop me.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Leo, 2022 will be a year full of emotions for you, especially for those who have not had a serious relationship for a long time. The first quarter of the year will be a little slow, you will focus mainly on figuring out what to keep and what to leave from the past. Already from April you will not have Venus contrary and this will bring a serene period, especially for those who are married or engaged. Singles will have a very special time from May, there will be exciting and special meetings and with Jupiter and Mars on their side in June, many of you will meet a special person who will remain in your life. Summer will also be exciting for couples, who will feel the desire to confirm their love. Fall and winter will have ups and downs, especially for those who live in ambiguous situations. It is necessary to make bold decisions, and some of you will do it. The year will close with unexpected revelations, some of you will finally have clarity in complex situations, while others will feel the need to ask for clarity where there was none.


The Lovers is not only a love card but also a card that pushes you to take a stand with yourself and the people around you. If you are undecided whether or not you love someone, focus and analyze this indecision, where it comes from, what this emotion wants to tell you. Try to understand yourself first and then have the courage to follow a path.
I am ready to understand myself and work with my shadows.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Virgo, 2022 will be a year of fun and passion, a year full of excitement and news in love! The year starts great, with planets in favor and positive transits, the first three months of the year will already bring new connections and long-awaited returns from the past.Venus and Mars in a favorable position between January and February will bring passion and attraction into your lives. Those who have been single for a long time will finally experience strong emotions that will awaken their hearts from lethargy, while couples will experience a good moment full of desire to love and express themselves. Spring is also very positive, with the exception of Venus in opposition in April which invites you not to give in to unnecessary nervousness. May, June and July are important months for defining relationships, declaring your feelings and expressing the emotions you feel, but also for booking a small vacation with the person you love. Summer - especially August - will bring passionate and special encounters and asks you to free yourself from unnecessary barriers: go with the flow! In autumn many loves started in summer will be confirmed and ambiguous situations will be resolved. You will close the year with a relaxing winter, less full of news than the rest of the year, but full of positive and restorative energies.


The Chariot is a powerful arcane that urges you to go with the flow of your desires and passions. Free yourself from unnecessary constraints and mental patterns, and try to experiment and discover new sides of yourself and life.
I am ready to release self constraints and mental patterns that limit me.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Libra, 2022 will be a year where you learn to believe more in yourself and your intuition. You will learn to value and love yourself, making conscious choices and indulging your desire to feel good and just be yourself. You will start the year with a strong desire to make room only for what - and who - really matters. Many of you, pushed by a contrary Venus, will seek clarity and answers, especially those who live ambiguous and non-transparent situations. There will be radical changes but also brave reconciliations, especially during the first quarter. Spring will be lighter and many of you will feel the need to live less demanding but still intense relationships. A very positive Venus in June will favor interesting meetings for singles and fun-filled periods for couples. Summer will bring many unique situations and opportunities, you just have to catch them on the fly and don't let yourself be blocked by too rigid mental schemes. Autumn will be a particularly important time for couples, even those born recently, will feel the desire to officiate and externalize their bond. Venus in your sign in October, will be a particularly lucky moment in love, some of you will be able to conquer the person of interest. The last two months of the year will bring little news but a lot of balance and personal well-being: those who have decided to close a toxic situation, will feel the desire to rest and heal, being well alone.


The Moon is a fascinating and mysterious card. When this card appears to you, you are asked to look inside yourself and try to understand, listen and love yourself for who you are and not what you would like to be. Start listening to your intuition and see where it takes you, you'll find that many answers you were looking for outside, are already inside you.
I am ready to listen to my intuition and believe in myself.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Scorpio, 2022 will be a very eventful year, full of changes and temporary situations in the making. It will be crucial to maintain balance but ride the wave of change. The year starts well, with a special favorable Venus in February, which will bring romantic opportunities and new encounters. There could be some breakups in March, especially in old relationships that no longer bring joy and happiness. It is better to act now instead of dragging out pending situations. Spring will bring strong emotions, new encounters will be sensual and special but they could be short term situations. Summer will be the perfect time to seek clarity and balance in all those situations too full of confusion and lies. It's time to speak clearly and be transparent, especially in August with the energies of Mars. Autumn will be pleasant and will bring moments of joy and serenity to couples who have faced difficult moments in the past. November will be one of your best months, with many planets in favor, there will be special encounters and also a healthy desire for change in your lives. Special encounters for singles during this last part of the year, some new acquaintances will have the potential for a long term.


A card that speaks of balance and acceptance. When this card appears to you, it urges you to practice acceptance towards life and what happens to you and to drop anchor so as to maintain balance even during stormy changes.
I'm ready to practice acceptance
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Sagittarius, 2022 is off to a slightly uncertain start as far as love is concerned. Some of you feel too much responsibility on you, while some feel stuck and uninspired. Singles will have a very positive Venus in March that will bring new encounters and flirtations in the workplace as well. Spring is definitely better, as early as April with Sun and Mercury on your side, which will make you live in some special situations. Summer brings great love, but also ambiguous situations that need to be resolved as soon as possible to avoid the risk of getting hurt. The Venus of August will be particularly favorable for new loves but also to think to formalize relationships and to declare feelings and intentions. Autumn will bring a lot of desire to plan together, there will be possibilities to move in together or to think about getting married. Winter closes the year with the desire to think about the future and to find solid and secure situations. Singles will meet people who will become important especially during 2023, while couples born recently will spend a positive winter full of affection.


The Hierophant appears to you when you need to find your spiritual balance and connect with yourself and your roots. When you feel lost, you can find the guidance you seek in yourself.
I am ready to connect with my roots.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Capricorn, in 2022 you will feel the need to just be yourself and nothing else, new emotions and challenges will come to push you to let go and not be afraid to feel vulnerable in the face of love. The year starts with a particularly positive January and a fascinating Venus that favors special encounters and strong sensuality in the first period of the year. March will be a special month both for singles, who will have the possibility to live unexpected and strong relationships, and for couples, who will feel the desire to take big steps towards the future together. Some of you will be afraid to feel strong emotions but the advice of the stars is not to let ego and pride block you but to live your emotions with all your heart. The summer will be a little slow, will bring some nervousness in couples, try not to argue but favor mature dialogue. Autumn, on the other hand, will be very positive, bringing special situations for singles with a very favorable Venus. The relationships that will be born at the end of the year will be very strong and long-lasting.


This card is not about physical strength but about fortitude. The strength that allows us to be ourselves even in those moments where fear pushes us to avoid certain emotions instead of living them. Be Strong.
I'm ready to feel emotions.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Aquarius, a 2022 very active on the side of new meetings and relationships, especially for you singles will not lack opportunities to meet special people. February will be a special month, with a favorable Mercury and the desire to get involved. Spring will be a happy time especially for couples, there will be proposals of marriage but also moving together. Summer will have ups and downs, in some periods you will feel too stressed and you may not give your partner the attention they ask for, so try to be attentive and empathetic. Autumn will be a good period to meet the right person, the soul mate, but also to see people from the past who return with the will of clarification. The last part of the year, winter, comes with some nervousness due to unfavorable planets but also to situations that bring suffering. Perhaps the time has come to end relationships that are not growing, without fear of being alone.


The Magician knows what he wants, he has the tools to make it happen but he doesn't act right away, he waits to understand himself and be really sure of how to proceed. When this card appears, it advises you to act with caution and to listen to yourself before jumping into complex decision-making processes.
I am ready to take my time before act.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings
Dear Pisces, a 2022 full of positive news and restorative energy awaits you. The year is off to a great start with Jupiter in your sign, bringing strength and a desire to start over especially for those coming from separations and divorces. The first quarter of the year will also be positive for couples, who will feel serene and strong in their love. Spring starts with a very special period, starting from April, where really exciting and sensual encounters will be favored. It will be really hard to stay single with such energies! June's Venus also brings new, special, relationships with long-term potential and, for some, there will be love at first sight. Summer will bring joy and lightheartedness and even a desire to reconnect and reconcile with some exes you still love. Beware of the discordant energies of September that could bring some restlessness in couples but also communication problems with the person of interest. The last quarter of the year is, in general, slower, less active as far as love is concerned but some of you will use this moment to make clarity inside them.


A powerful and beautiful arcana full of feminine and spiritual energy that invites you to cultivate beauty within and without. Beauty has nothing to do with aesthetic beauty, beauty is love and compassion for yourself and others. You will get so much love as soon as you realise how beautiful and loving you are.
I am ready to see the beauty inside myself.
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Written By Psychic Astrology Advisor:
June Readings