Birthday Horoscope
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! This year you should anticipate some love and work-related changes that can impact you for the years to come. New doors may be opening in your social life, while another door could be closing. Read on to find out what awaits you this amazing birthday year!
You are in store for an adventurous year when it comes to your close relationships. Whether you are in a serious relationship or not, there is exploring that needs to be done. You will probably find yourself outside of your comfort zone, as some of your priorities in life are fluctuating. Someone who used to be very important to you is on their way out the door in the coming months. You will have mixed-feelings about this. It is likely to be someone you loved at one time, but now time has set you two on different paths. Your social circle will be adapting due to this loss. Expect to be fully healed around July, where you will be filling in relationship gaps with new people in your life. You have the potential to make a life-long friendship begin this year.

Singles are filled with positive energy that may help foster the beginnings of a committed and healthy relationship. Of course, there could be a speed bump or two along the way. You may be tempted to fall for the bad boy or bad girl, so make sure that the person you are dating is worth their trouble in the end. By August, you may be settling with someone who fills you with hope and inspiration. This is the person that you should center your attention on. Ignore the suitors who are eye candy only. There are better options that will entertain your mind, body, and soul equally. True happiness for you is to find someone who doesn't leave you bored.

Those who are already committed are experiencing some challenges, as the relationship is feeling a little stale. Early 2018 is the worst timing for serious relationships, as you go through a bit of a dry spell. Answer your call for adventure and do something that is thrilling for you both. A trip to an exotic location, or trying out a new sport/hobby together will bring you two closer. If you use your insightful mind, there are plenty of ideas that may be tucked away. Now is the time to explore those ideas for the sake of the relationship. It is obvious to those around you that you are with someone that you genuinely care about. It is time to put in the extra work this year to ensure that the relationship has the capacity to last a lifetime.

The good news is that your career path is more smooth then your love path this year. The bad news is that you may find yourself getting bored and restless at times. This is a great year for expanding your work-related horizons. The timing works out for those that are interested in getting a second job, taking some extra courses, or even just doing a little extra work at your current job to show-off to your superiors. While it is not as likely that there will be a big promotion with your name on it this year, the seeds that you plant today can start growing tomorrow. Come up with a five-year plan for yourself. Figure out where you want to be, and what steps it will take for you to get there. The fruits of your labors will be very sweet, indeed.

You will have some chances to mingle with some key players at work this year. You are under discrete observation, particularly in May and October. Keep yourself on task these months, even if you want to question authority. No one likes seemingly pointless rules, but your boss does not like employees who can't go with the flow. Do not join in on the "corporate bashing" because your words could be terribly misconstrued. You have an image to uphold, so don't let the Negative Nancys bring you down a notch. Individuals who work in the entertainment, customer service, and hospitality sectors will benefit the most this year.

One thing that could keep you busy in the near future is the prospect of a move or relocation. You may have the luxury to move to a better home or geographic location. Finances are looking steady enough to support such a move. As long as you are practical and use common sense, you will find that a move serves you well this year. Let your family help you with big decisions to ensure the happiness and well-being of all that would be impacted. Home and moving expenses are worthwhile expenditures this year that will benefit you for the long-term.

February 2018: Work has you feeling drained this month. There is not enough excitement going on to keep you entertained. Avoid the traps of stirring up your own drama. The repercussions of any work-related conflict that you get yourself involved in could be problematic. Key Date: February 16th is a day that you should certainly watch what comes out of your mouth. Think before you speak so you do not inadvertently start a feud-- particularly at the workplace!

March 2018: It's still early in the year, but you might be feeling a bit stir-crazy between work and home. You need to find some free time for travel if you want to shake away any negative feelings. Traveling is ideal this month. Key Date: The week of March 4th is great for vacations and traveling. Try to go to a place you have never been before. Check an item off of your bucket list!

April 2018: Your partner and you are not seeing eye-to-eye this month. It seems that they are hypersensitive, but it is possible that you are the one who is a little emotionally frazzled. Proper communication is needed on both sides to smooth things out. Key Date: April 10th is a day that you can bump heads with your loved one in an extreme fashion. It's advised that you try to listen more and talk less this day.

May 2018: This month is much better for romance and love. You are feeling adventurous with your dates. Go out of town for the evening or try a new restaurant that just opened. Everything is going much more smoothly with your loved one. Key Date: The weekend of May 4th is ideal for dating and night life ventures. Do something new and exciting to stimulate as many senses as possible. Your partner will enjoy the adventure.

June 2018: Stress is a little high this month. If work gets too chaotic, you may have to use up one of your precious sick days, and take a day to yourself. One day off will rejuvenate you, and help you be ready for action when you return to work. Key Date: June 21st is the change of the season. This is a good day to set work aside and just simply enjoy all that life has to offer.

July 2018: Watch out for jealousy this month. It could be a friend or a co-worker who masquerades as a friend. This person does not have your best interests in mind. Avoid Machiavellian people like the plague, when possible. They have nothing to genuinely offer you. Key Date: Be on your toes on July 19th, for there could be someone who attacks you behind your back. You will figure out who is holding the knife by the end of the month.

August 2018: This is a great month to focus on family members and loved ones. Any children in the family will enjoy the attention that you can spare for them. Any gifts that you have for them, including your time, will be much appreciated. Key Date: August 11th's solar eclipse will give you a boost of energy and potentially drama, as well. Stay in control in any stressful situation and you will come out ahead in the end.

September 2018: Your intuition is especially strong this month. Use it to guide you in important decisions that need to be made. What is your gut telling you? Sometimes listening to your keen instincts can be very rewarding. Key Date: Pay close attention to your intuition on September 20th. There are some obstacles you can potentially avoid to take the smoothest route possible in life.

October 2018: Financial worries may be a bit stressful this month. Overall, you should get through the month just fine. However, a surprise repair cost or forgotten bill may cause some aggravation. Key Date: October 1st is a day that things may seem to break for no reason. Be sure to check out your car thoroughly before you go anywhere far in it.

November 2019: Something around the house may need renovating or improving. If you are up to the task, use the energy this month for some interior decorating. Have your family join in to help can cut down on your end of the work. Key Date: The weekend of November 9th is looking good for home-related projects. Your mood and energy is looking to be positive, which will help the work go by more easily.

December 2019: The year ends with a focus on family and love. Your partner may be wanting some more attention from you. Indulge them in order to have a peaceful holiday season. Keep in mind those who helped you out this year when you reflect on memories from 2018. Key Date: December 31st is a wonderful day for a celebration. Get out of the house and have fun. If you can find a party with a lot of people, it will be a night to remember!

January 2019: You may be starting the month out in high spirits, but be wary of burnout. If you overexert yourself, you may run out of steam around mid-month. Things are piling up on your to-do list, but go forward at a reasonable pace. Key Date: January 7th is when your energy starts to peak. You are bound to get a lot accomplished today. Make sure you start the day off on a positive note!

Sonya starr Angel Sonya starr Angel
By Sonya Starr Angel
Specializing in: Psychic reading

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Color: Light blue
Gemstome: turquoise, amethyst
Strengths: humanitarian, original, clever
Weaknesses: flaky, unemotional, stubborn
Likes: intelligent conversations, surprises, friendship
Dislikes: prejudice, confrontations, being controlled
Most compatible Signs: Gemini and Libra
Least compatible Signs: Cancer and Virgo
Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Cristiano Ronaldo, Justin Timberlake, Shakira, Emma Roberts, Kim Novak, Alicia Keys, Ashton Kutcher, Bob Marley, Sarah Palin, Danna Garcia, James Dean