The Two Of Swords- What Does This Tarot Card Mean For You?

Written By The Kasamba Team

At first glance, Two of Swords may seem like a sad, ominous card pointing at one's emotional failures in life. After all, who would like to shield herself with two diagonal swords, wear a blindfold and a gray dress, and sit alone like that? But the truth is, Two of Swords is one of the clearest, strongest and most meaningful cards in the 78-card Tarot deck.

In Tarot, swords represent thoughts and mind. The woman in the card, carrying two swords in opposing directions over her chest, has conflicting thoughts about a situation. She wants to listen to her mind, and not her heart, hence her arms are crossed, silencing her chest and heart area. She is blindfolded and doesn't see what she needs to see.

Her reality is not what she thinks it is. The sea behind her only has tiny ripples. There are no big waves, and it is a beautiful blue. The sky above her is also serene, without a single cloud. There is a waxing moon above her, signaling positive change, growth of wanted things, and a good phase in life.

Given the dress and the hair, we're assuming it's a she. Females in Tarot point at one's subconscious, deep side. They symbolize one's true, inner self (and males symbolize one's social, outer self). We see that the woman in the card is sitting upright, in a confident manner. This tells us that one's inner self is confident, and knows that all is well.

When a querent gets this card in a Tarot reading, the message is clear: stop listening to your confused mind. Your thoughts are in conflict with one another, and this is not helping you. Your heart knows all is well. It's time to move on from what is making you suffer, and if you can trust your heart, you will move on to a much better, and healthy situation right away. The moon is with you. The sky, the sea and your heart are all with you. Listen to your feelings – that's how you'll get rid of the blindfold your soul has been wearing. That's how you'll tap into true knowledge.

The Two Of Swords- Reversed Card Meaning

If you’re wondering what does the two of swords mean upside down, then in a nutshell, you are basically stuck at a crossroads. You have a huge decision to make and it’s not an easy one either. You feel anxious as you are not sure what path is best to take and this decision indirectly affects the other areas of your life since you are so caught up on this hard decision making task.

The problem you face is that you need more information in order to come to a safe decision but you cannot find this information, no matter how hard you try. This is why having a tarot reading with an experienced reader will help you gain more insights as to what needs to be done. An overload of info from outside sources may also be the problem at hand, and trying to sift through what’s right and what’s wrong is an impossible task!

The Two Of Swords- Reversed Love Meaning

In love and relationships, the two of swords card indicates either having to choose between two potential partners, or having to decide on ending your current relationship or not. Again, this decision may be hard since there’s so many opinions and likely falsified, biased information from outside sources. You have to trust your gut and let your inner voice decide what’s right for you. It’s also always good to ask your tarot reader for advice.

The Two Of Swords- Reversed Career Meaning

When it comes to career and the workplace, the two of swords means that you may need to choose what position to take or even choose whether to move on from your current job. If you’re a student that needs to decide on what degree to take, then this major decision can also be confusing. Again, following your gut and listening to your intuition is vital when it comes to making big financial decisions.