Under the scope of the Advisor Quality Program, we reviewed the highest performing advisors to gain key insights for improving service. We found that Kasamba Messages is a key tool for strengthening your relationship with clients. Used correctly it provides added value to your clients, bringing them back for more live readings. In fact, the advisors that send messages most often earn 4.5 times more than the average advisor.

In this tutorial we offer:
  1. Common scenrios
  2. Basic tips

4 common scenarios with message examples that keep conversations going and bring your clients back for more sessions:

Coordinating Availability
Let clients know when you are around, or if there is a change to your office hours.
Example 1:

I am sorry that she broke things off. I felt there was something shifting but I feel we can work with this. Can we schedule a time for Monday? I will be online all day then from about 11am EST to like 7pm EST. If you need another time let me know, and I will make sure I am online.

Example 2:

It HAS been a while! It's nice to hear from you. I was offline yesterday. Did you want to come to chat? If so, I'm usually online around 7:15 am EST on weekdays. On the weekends, I’m generally on around 9:00 am EST. I look forward to hearing how everything worked out with Mike!

Post Session Follow Up
During sessions clients discuss events that have happened or that will happen in the near future, follow up like you would a friend or family member. If they are expecting a phone call from a love interest, ask them how it went. Reassure them you are here if they need you.

Example 1:

Hey! That was a powerful reading. Take some time to reflect on how much of your time you want to give Mike when he comes calling back to you. If he calls let me know, and together we can discuss next steps.

Example 2:

After the session, I kept thinking about the job interview we talked about. I drew the three of pentacles which is a card of being put on hold. The clarification card is the ace of wands which is a card of positive thoughts - so it would seem that you're still in the running, no decision has been made.

You may be correct in that if they don't find the PERFECT person you're the best they've found so far. The thoughts for you are positive, they're just not sure if you're perfect for it. So, you shouldn’t rule them out.

Example 3:

I just wanted to clear up something we discussed in the chat session. You have given him so many chances. So one day if he does this again, you can say enough is enough! You have already been through a lot and trying to save a marriage or love is being super brave!!!
Session Ends Abruptly
With Kasamba Messages, you have the ability to keep the conversation alive – no matter what happens.
If the client runs out of funds, or if the session gets cut off, send a message finishing your thought.
If the chat suite was not able to connect in a live reading send a message instead.

Example 1:

I'm sorry we got disconnected. I just wanted to finish my last thought. I liked the energy for the first job interview. The energy for the accountant position made me feel a little uneasy. I'm not sure if it's the interview or the job itself- so be cautious. Overall there is an opportunity for growth, to change jobs if that is what you wish- including the knight of pentacles which is an offering of money/foundation. Good luck. I will be offline for the rest of the day (I'm sorry, it just turned into kind of a crazy day) but will be online around 7:15 am Monday morning.

Example 2:

Hi Mike, sorry you had to go so soon. Pulled the queen of pentacles, and this card is the timing card and can relate to your job or career. The queen crossed the ace of pentacles is a new beginning and new direction related to business and financial security. The aces are the controlling cards of the tarot and represent where you are headed. Pretty good cards, and you got the 3 of cups in the outcome so you will mesh well with the team. I’ll pull some more cards later. Tomorrow I’m online from about 2pm GMT if you want another live reading.

Example 3:

Our session ended and I forgot to tell you about the eclipse in 3rd and 9th houses. 3rd house represents a communication job. 9th house is related to a high achievement. The 9th house is Jupiter which equals fate and destiny. So be open to a positive change at work coming in the near future! Way to go!

Periodic Updates
Let clients know how astrological or life events can impact them, their relationships, careers etc.
When you touch base don’t forget to use the opportunity to reignite the dialogue –
don’t just send a generic message – send something personal and powerful!

Here are some great life moments to re-engage your clients:
Personal Events:
Birthday, Travel, Marriage, Births
Astrological Events:
Solstice, Equinox, Mercury
Retrograde, Full Moon, Eclipse
Mother/Father’s Day, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving

Example 1:

The stars are beautifully aligned for you right now. The sun is in Taurus, which is your birthday month. Jupiter, the grandest planet for giving us happiness, is in your 5th house, the house of true love. On May 6th there is a new moon in Taurus! This means new beginnings. On May 3rd the sun is in tune with Jupiter meaning happiness and new starts. You have a cosmic titan energy right now. This is what I call good luck from all sides to fix up your life. I’d be happy to hear about all the exciting changes that must be taking place!

Example 2:

Happy Mother’s Day, Amy! I just watched the Sound of Music (a mother’s day tradition) and I thought of you. It is very difficult to come into a new family especially one like Bob’s, but I’m sure the kids will see the light and love you bring into the house. Stay strong! If you need me, I’m here for you.

Best Practice Tip:
Put together a calendar with all your client’s important
dates, Gmail offers a great calendar, or an excel template
can be very helpful.

The Basics – Simple Tips for Super Service

  1. How many messages should I send per day?
    Advisors who bring the most users back for sessions send 4-7 messages per day.

  2. How often should I send messages to a client?
    After 1st session with new client:
    You should send a post session follow up message to all new clients.

    Existing Client:
    • If you are having an ongoing conversation, feel free to send as many messages as the conversation requires. It can even be up to a few messages per day.
    • If your usual client misses a session, send a message to make sure everything is okay and for positive reassurance.
    • For other clients, you can proactively follow up with some of the suggestions above such as periodic updates on birthdays, equinox or anything that would interest your client.

  3. How quickly should I reply to a message?
    According to a recent satisfaction survey, a fast reply is the best way to create trust with your client. The top advisors read and reply to clients’ messages as soon as possible up to 24 hours. The sooner you reply the more likely the client will be available.